Transfer an account

Credentials of an old account:

Specify new Username, Password and Email:

Press the button to transfer an account:

Old Login and Old Password is what you used to enter the game before 19 january 2024. Old Username is not acceptable, you have to provide only that specific data. If you forgot some of your old data, but at least remember the part of it, contact administrator of our Discord server (see bottom of the page) for help.

New Username should be 3-12 characters and alpha-numeric.
New Username cannot be changed once account is transferred; it is permanent for you, so please choose wisely.

New Password should be 1-8 characters and ASCII only.
New Password can be changed only with the help of administrator of our Discord server.

New E-mail can be used to reset your New Password if you forgot it.
It is not required to specify a real email, but you should remember or write it down somewhere.

Don't forget about our Discord server